Hello friends! My guide has selected the wheel of fortune card for me to write about in today’s blog entry. This card is one I personally struggle with when it comes up.
The wheel of fortune card is really about fate. When you look at this card you’ll see that there is a couple on top enjoying life and having the best time. Then at the bottom it appears someone has fallen or is about to be crushed, and there’s also someone hanging on making the climb back to the top. You’ll see there’s a crank turning this wheel and it appears to be manned by a wise elder or perhaps even God. The people on the wheel seem to be totally unaware that they aren’t in control and are instead at the whim of the unseen force turning the handle.
I am a control freak. It drives my loved ones crazy. I micromanage things to the point where I just step in and take over because only I can do it “right”. The very thought of not being in control of a situation gives me hives. I used to be a terrible passenger until the invention of gps with me giving the directions from the right seat and thus controlling the journey as the Navigator. My body has a health condition that I can’t control, and I think that aspect bothers me more than the actual disease. The struggle is real!
Funny thing though, I don’t like being the center of attention and I don’t like being the leader. I like to control and lead from the middle. People allow this, and they trust me. It’s helpful that I’m typically right. People tell me I’m a natural leader, but I still prefer to do all of the work behind the scenes, even if it means someone else gets the praise. However, if I want something done and no one else steps up, I will take it on and lead the charge.
This card forces each of us to understand that we are not always in control though we may think we are. There are unseen forces working in our lives every day. Nothing is random and everything has a purpose. There are lessons we are learning and skills we need to gain in order to find future success. Sometimes this does mean we fail, we experience heartbreak or setbacks. Other times it may be frustration as a lesson seems to repeat itself, or finally joy because things seem to be falling into place.
One of the biggest things I have had to learn was about planning. I am not a spontaneous person. Everything I do is planned and there are multiple lists involved. This means if something comes up NOT on my list it really throws me. I’m 40-something years old, you’d think I’d know better based on life experience! I guess I can say it’s not that I’m comfortable with change, I am becoming quicker at adapting to it.
We all have free will, something that our spirit guides know all too well. They could be shouting in our ears and we could still choose to ignore their advice and do what we want—but this isn’t what impacts fate. There may be a life plan in place with milestones, but how we get there is totally up to us. I know that my personal journey has shifted very far away from where I believed I was headed, and after adjusting, I can’t imagine it being any other way. The life event that changed my trajectory was not anything I wanted or planned, but fate intervened and caused this cascade of events to bring me to what may really be my true path. I won’t know for sure of course, not until I’m done.
This card challenges me to really embrace and understand that sometimes what I want to happen and what ultimately needs to happen are not the same—and it’s ok! I’m learning to trust my guide more, and I’m learning to appreciate change as an opportunity for growth rather than a total derailment. As a consequence I appear much calmer than I really am, and I work harder than ever to fight my inner toddler and her meltdowns. Spirit wants what’s best for me, and all they require is trust. I’m really working on it!
The key to this card is knowing that you aren’t always in control. Good times come and go, and bad times come to an eventual end. Trust the process. Enjoy the high times, truly savor your victories and your accomplishments, but know that even the best of times must end. Surviving the lean times enables you to enjoy the sweeter ones even more, and let those memories sustain you until joy returns again. Most importantly you must never quit. Fight to hang on, because better days will come. The wheel is always turning.
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I always love your blog posts, so inciteful, beautifully written, from the heart. that things will fluctuation in life, because, that's what this journey is about, the ups and downs.