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Getting Started with Your Own Mediumship Journey

Writer: MadHawkMadHawk

Spiritual growth is not linear. It’s also not predictable and definitely NOT the same for everyone. There are certain things most will experience at some point, but it will be tailored to your own path, your own life experiences.

The first stage is when everything is new and exciting. Learning about the spirit world, and how you can connect leaves you feeling like you want MORE! I remember the first real contact I had, and it was during a “meet your guide” meditation. I found my self traveled outside of my head through layers of light and dark, until I was simply floating. The sensation was as if I was cradled by the softest clouds, along with a kind of ticklish bubbly sensation that started at my feet and went through my body and out the crown of my head. I felt more than saw the BRIGHTEST light,( I know, feeling light is rather odd, but that’s what it was for me.) I had asked for my guide to confirm our meeting by touching my shoulder. That’s exactly what came next—a hand on either shoulder with pressure and an acceleration of all those sensations—followed by soft laughter. I felt more than heard “Welcome, we’ve been waiting for you!” But in my excitement I dropped the connection, finding myself sitting in my chair, feeling like a sad deflated balloon.

Returning to the mundane…the boring, the hard gravity of earth was shocking. I wanted so badly to go back. The link was broken and I wasn’t able to reconnect. I had added all kinds of expectations and pressure, forcing a link that wasn’t going to come. It felt like I had lost. I craved that link and I didn’t know how to find it again.

Around this same time I began listening to Sandra Champlain’s Podcast called “We Don’t Die; Shades of the Afterlife", based on her book by the same name. I learned so much about the afterlife from all kinds of guests interviewed on her show. It’s through her that I found the next big step on my journey. I found Phil Dykes & Kerry McCleod from the spirit and soul foundation, and Scott Milligan, brilliant mediums in their own right, and excellent tutors of all things mediumship. I’ll include links to them at the bottom of this entry. I signed up with beginner mediumship and intro to trance mediumship. I almost didn’t go to the classes because I still wasn’t sure what I was doing. This was during the Covid lockdown, in the very beginning of virtual classes. I went, and I’m so glad I did.

My journey plateaued after the initial excitement as it often will. Unfoldment simply can’t be rushed. I grew more frustrated because I was comparing myself to the progress others seemed to be making, a big mistake. You see, your journey won’t be like anyone else’s, so your speed of development won’t be like anyone else’s either! Letting go of that expectation is really hard to do, but it’s necessary in order to keep moving forward.

I learned from these fantastic teachers and other students. I began to trust the process, and lean in to spirit rather than try pull it closer. My connection to the spirit world grew stronger and I learned tools to help me understand how readings work. As a medium, you are simply the interpreter for spirit, you get the information, and you give it to the sitter in front of you. It’s that easy….but not really. There are so many layers and barriers that you have to learn to wade through, most of it being your own “stuff”, the debris of life, random thoughts, and doubt.

I also learned the number one tool that will help anyone grow their own spiritual connection, and it’s completely free. It only requires dedicated time, every day, around the same time of day of possible. It’s called SITTING FOR POWER. It’s different than meditation, but it’s a kind of similar experience. I will include a few links to some samples that are free, but the spirit and soul foundation has paid downloads that I’ve found to be very effective. You need to find a voice you like, one that you can enjoy following, and then stick to it. That’s the key.

Anyone can train and learn to communicate with spirit. Like anything else in life, there will always be those with natural ability that is stronger than others. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US has this intrinsic ability to connect to spirit, but it’s up to the individual to develop it, train it, and strengthen it. You can be “born a medium” meaning it’s easy for you to connect, but if you don’t train, or exercise this ability, it will only take you so far. There’s some thought in the spiritual community that deep wounding spiritual trauma can also be a catalyst for opening a latent gift for working with spirit. I believe, if the desire is there, then you will find in time and with practice, you’ll be able to connect to spirit and have meaningful communication with them. This is not a closed practice, or limited to a select few. If you want it, and you are willing to do the work, then that world will open to you. Unfoldment will happen, in its own time.

In my next entry I’ll talk a bit more about what it’s like to tap into your psychic self the first time, and how it feels to work with someone else’s loved one in spirit. I will also explain SITTING FOR POWER a little bit more. This entry is already too long to get into it properly. For now, please go check out the resources I am linking below. There’s plenty here to keep you busy until next time!

Much love,

MadHawk this is the landing page to Sandra Champlains podcast. Tons of episodes are available. this is a link to the FREE spiritualist service on sundays called the Sunday Gathering. This is a fantastic link of like minded deeply spiritual people, non denominational—you bring to it whatever religious context you wish, or perhaps none at all. All are welcome. At the end of every service the traditional mediumship demonstrations happen where 3-5 people in the general audience find a connection through a reading.

It’s random, spirit picks who they want…but Brandon did come through once with Philip Dykes. this is the landing page for Philip Dykes and Kerry McLeod of spirit and soul foundation. I’ve had a reading through Kerry, a spiritual check up, (eye opening!) and I’ve attended MANY virtual classes and workshops. this is a link to Scott Mulligans page. He is a trance/physical medium. His guided sitting for power is really great for people at all stages of development, but beginners especially. this is one of many of Scott’s sitting for power meditations. He has many on this YouTube channel. This is an abbreviated session, by Martin Twycross. I like his voice. This is a great place to start, and in time you can go to his longer version…you will want more time sitting with spirit.



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