Here comes the sun...and I say, it’s all right. —George Harrison
Thank you guides for this beautiful card from Anna K Tarot. This is truly one of my most favorite cards in my deck. Every time I see it, I hear George Harrison singing...here comes the sun. Here’s the link so you can hear it too.
This card is optimism, joy, happiness...it’s the suns energy reaching down and warming you, it’s a clean slate, it’s a rebirth. This card always makes me smile when it pops up in a spread because most of the time it signals an end to dark days.
I spent my entire childhood growing up in Arizona. The sun there seems closer than it does in other places. Endless days of sunshine, and temperatures that can fry eggs on sidewalks—but it’s a dry heat. As miserable as 120F sounds, as with anything else you adapt. You stay out of the peak heat, go shopping, go to a movie, go swimming, but most people are not out walking around when it’s that hot outside, unless they have to.
One of my most favorite things, something people who’ve experienced desert heat would know and appreciate. I loved the sensation of sitting in a cold room all day at college, soaking in the knowledge professors tried to impart on me, then going out to my car and sitting in it. I’d bake in that intense heat until beads of sweat popped out on my forehead. When I was little, we’d swim at a friend’s house until we were all pruned and our lips were blue. Then we’d wrap up in towels and lay in the sun, absorbing all the warmth it could give us. Desert pleasures. Simple pleasures.
Taking these examples and moving them into the spiritual realm, that’s not a hard leap to make. When I flip this card over, it’s the same warm feeling. All of the cold dark things that had been hanging around, burns off in the bright light, replacing the coldness with warm energy. Can you feel it when you look at the card? It’s pretty much the same feeling that I had baking the cold out of my bones after sitting in a too cold classroom for hours.
In my life, things are pretty dark right now. I have a lot on my plate, as I’m sure we all do, approaching the holidays. The layers I add are the anniversary of my son Brandon’s death, and a big move causing us to be between leases (aka homeless) for a few weeks on top of the holiday stuff. It’s overwhelming if I allow it to be. Especially adding another layer of “new witch”...something I’d say is a good stress, but it’s still stress.
This season is the season of the witch, my season. I think it’s also the main reason I’m not running away from the heaping piles of stress stacked all around me. The energy around me is lifting my spirits and supporting me. The summer is finally over, and the weather I love most is setting in. I can feel a new energy, a renewal, building up inside me and it couldn’t come at a better time. It’s my time now, and I’m enjoying every minute of it. Winter is coming, but today I got the sun card. Today I need to focus on blessings.
The sun card brings with it joy and optimism that is unbound by expectation. This means it’s as pure as a baby’s laugh...the kind of laugh that makes your heart smile. This joy is contagious and it spreads into all of the pieces of your life, eventually overflowing into the people close to you. This is also the kind of joy that brings even MORE joy along with it. There’s no end to this sunshine, so it’s time to accept it and embrace it, allow it to burn off all the coldness and ick you’ve been carrying with you.
I flipped over the sun card today and I welcome it with open arms. I’m in the middle of a great deal of pain, stress, and more stress. The sun lighting my way, lifting my spirit, warming my back...gives me the reassurance that everything will work out, and better days, GREAT DAYS are coming!
A reminder, what you send out to the world comes right back to you. People have many names for this, full circle, coming home to roost, Karma—it all means the same thing. Even Christ mentions this, do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. Today, I’m choosing to put out optimism and joy, see the silver lining, find the one good thing—I’m choosing the positive energy and sending that out to the world, because I know what goes out comes back; Lord knows I do not need or want any more stress, sadness, or any other negative thing returning to me.
Here comes the sun....

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