It’s been a minute hasn’t it? Well, just like before, life got in the way and I had to set the blog aside. Things are settled down now and I can return to my deck and see what we have to write about today.
My guide has selected the four of pentacles from my Anna K tarot deck. This card has a lot of really great imagery on it that can help you understand the meaning. It’s called the miser card or the hoarder. You can see here that he has a lot of stuff and people who are hungry and cold are staring at him and wishing he would share. By the look on his face we can clearly see he has no plan to share any of this with them.
When you go through a lot in your lifetime, you tend to hold onto things that have meaning for you. Hanging on to memories is not a bad thing unless it’s interfering with relationships with people and making more memories. A hoarder, like we see on TV shows, for unknown reasons chooses things over their personal relationships. This is an extreme example of course, and we can look at this and know that this isn’t the direction that we are going with our lives. This is also why the Marie Kondo method and the minimalist movement has gained traction. People are tired of all their stuff.
Did you know you can also hoard emotions? You can hang onto resentment, regret, fear, sadness…and it can form a wedge in between you and the life that you want. What are you holding onto and is it keeping you back? Or is it an experience/memory you want to hang onto because it makes you feel good? Only you know the answers to these questions. Sometimes it’s OK to live a little bit with the feeling and memories, even negative ones, so that you can fully experience them and learn the lessons they carry. The problem comes when it grows roots, becomes a part of you, and prevents you from moving forward.
Yet another meaning for this card is the Miser. This is someone who has come from nothing and has a fear of going back to nothing once more. They feel they have worked hard for everything they have and they are loathe to share it with anyone. You’ve met these people, many of them really are quite wealthy at least in physical things, but maybe aren’t the healthiest emotionally. In this situation a physical thing combines with an emotion and this can prevent you from moving forward or having real relationships with other people. You live in fear that someone will come take all of your stuff, or you will be forced to part with it, or you will be guilted into sharing it—and you just don’t wanna deal with it. The image I see in my mind’s eye is that of Scrooge McDuck diving into his vault full of gold coins. He wasn’t the happiest of characters, and he wasn’t anyone’s favorite person..er..duck.
All of these situations have one thing in common. We are choosing to prevent spiritual growth by putting a barricade up. The barricade consists of emotions that we don’t want to let go, like a grudge that we are holding, or it’s physical items that we are choosing to hang onto even though they no longer serve us, or it’s the attitude of an unwillingness to share ourselves– – our time, our skills, our love, the part of us that matters.
When we think of a hoarder, some of us think about the extreme TV show, some of us think about a weird aunt that means well but has saved every single rubber band she’s ever run across. I challenge you to think about the emotional hoarder too. She’s not as easy to see, but she’s been hurt far too many times to get involved and let people get close to her. Does this sound like you?
I used to be a CHAMPION grudge holder. I’ve changed my mindset a bit because I began to realize that no one actually cares that I’m doing this...and it really only hurts me by causing me to constantly relive the hurt and anger. Those emotions kept me in a constant state of anger and stole my love for a (in this case) sport. I was unable to watch it anymore because instead of enjoying the game and joining the parents around me cheering for their players—I sat and stewed—angry about what I perceived to be unfair treatment and lack of play that my kid was getting. I missed out on some really great games and good fun because I was so angry. I’m still a pretty good grudge holder, but it isn’t something I dwell on. I try to forgive and let things go. I firmly believe Karma sorts things out in her own sweet time. There’s nothing more I need to do, just trust it will happen and move on. It’s very freeing to let go of emotional baggage, and I work on this every day.
The last thing I want to mention are the two universal laws that can impact how you experience things going forward. The first Universal law is the law of attraction. What you put out into the universe is what returns to you. If you put out a fear of losing things, a fear of trying new things, grudges, all of that will return to you. If you want to have a full and rich life you have to put that out to the universe with the energy behind it that you want to come back to you.
The second universal law that could apply is the law of giving and receiving. A balance is always required and corrections will happen whether you like it or not. If you are a constant taker, you will reach a point where things will be taken from you. You may not even have a say. If you are a giver, with a grateful heart, then that energy will return to you a bounty of gifts and miracles. Do you remember the Bible story of the widow and her last coin? The widow was unable to give very much as a tithe to the church and she was laughed at. But her example was used as a teachable moment because she gave all she had with a grateful heart and a generous spirit. She was richly blessed because she didn’t expect anything return. Keep that in mind, The balance will be maintained, with or without your active participation.
True story, I was in line at subway and the man in front of me forgot his wallet. He told the sandwich artist (ha!) to just set it aside he will come right back. I paid for his sandwich, his lunch. He said wait and I’ll get you some money, I’ll pay you back. I told him to pay it forward at his next opportunity. We both walked away feeling pretty good. Later that week, I had a mental moment where I was just DONE. Nothing was working out and everything was extra hard. I walked into my office to find big cookie and a simple note on my desk telling me that I matter, I made a difference to them and they simply wanted me to know this. I felt everything fall into place, and I knew that my terrible day was going to be ok. Yup, balance was restored.
Emotional clutter, physical clutter, mental clutter all of these are crowding you out of the spiritual gifts that are waiting for you. Instead of being this little man with his sack on his back ignoring the pleas of his neighbors—hungry and cold— be the one who sees them and shares what he has. Be kind whenever you can. Sharing yourself with others is always a risk but without risk there are no rewards. It’s time now to be brave. It’s time to declutter and get rid of what’s holding you back. It’s time to forgive and let go of the grudges that have become roadblocks. You are ready. Share your life, share your time, share your skills —it’s not always about money. Good stuff will come if you just make a little space for it.
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