Interesting card sent to me by my guide this morning. (Anna K Tarot) It’s a card most of us can relate to. The two of pentacles is all about the daily juggling act we perform.
Looking now at the card we see a performer, focused on the rings he’s juggling , and he’s happy, he’s confident. He has to focus so he doesn’t drop anything, but he’s pretty comfortable here doing this. We see no real effort. We see an audience watching, happy, entertained, so we know he’s doing a pretty good job. What does this mean for those of us who are not in a circus act?
When I see this card turn up it usually means a time of busyness. Often it means that there are things going on that require your focus but also require the other things to be managed equally well. For example, a student balancing school work, a job, and maybe a relationship would see this card and be happy because it means everything is going well. I see this a lot when it’s a working parent concerned with balancing out the work life, home life, as well as their own needs.
Some people are naturally gifted at managing multiple things at once. They always seem well organized, excellent time managers, and it’s second nature for them to multitask with even the most mundane things. (Cleaning the shower while showering...) These people thrive on being busy! They always have a place to go, someone to meet, yet never feel rushed. We’ve all met them and wonder how they do it.
I am not this person. When I see this card turn up for me it’s typically a warning. When I have too much going on it stresses me out and things get missed; details are forgotten. My mind used to be able to handle managing these daily balancing acts of sports practices, making dinner, running a house for 3 boys, and working. Heck, I even thought I did it well. Sadly, this is not the case. I’m too narrowly focused and too easily distracted...squirrel?...to manage more than a thing or two at a time and still meet the high standard I set for myself. (Capricorn much?)
As a nurse, I could focus everything on my shift, my assignment, the patients I was caring for, and I was pretty good at it. Meanwhile, at home the laundry was overflowing and I only had popsicles in the freezer—I exaggerate but you get it. This is also when my health began to fail. In all of the managing of other things, I forgot all about me! I was hyper focused on my career in such a way that I wasn’t good at much else. If I went to a school conference or baseball game it was the exhausted version of me that tried to be present but my brain was thinking about all the other things I needed to get done.
This card for some is recognition of the awesome ability some have to find their place, their pace, their purpose. They are confidently juggling everything, never missing a beat, smiling, and actually enjoying it. For others it’s a warning that you’ve got too much going on and your balancing act is fooling no one. You’re fine for now but it’s a matter of time before something gives and typically it’s the juggler’s fatigue that wins in the end.
Whether you are an outstanding performer or someone praying the ball doesn’t drop in front of the boss...know that you are in control here. You can set one of the balls aside so it’s less difficult...you are allowed to say no more! The juggler on the card has a ring set aside. Four apparently was too much for him, and if he can control this, so can you. It’s easy to get sucked in to the ‘one more thing’ trap. It’s not easy to be true to yourself and respect your limits—but it’s something we all must do to be the best we can be.
Today, take a moment and check in with yourself. How are you doing? Is there time to do all you need to do? Have you over extended (again) and do you need to pull back some of your energy? Or are you bored, do you need more challenges? Too much time on your hands? Work to find your sweet spot this week. If you love being busy, make sure you still allow yourself some time to restore your energy; maybe a walk on the beach or in the woods, or maybe reading a book. If you love the quiet, find things that challenge you and push you to get off the couch a little more.
The juggler shows the art of being a multitasker, but also shows us we are in control.
Have a great week everyone!

Message me if you are interested in your own card reading.
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