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Past Mistakes Create Future Success

Writer: MadHawkMadHawk

Updated: May 22, 2023

Normally I let my guide pick the card to write about, but today, I’m doing the picking. I choose the 6 of cups from Anna K.

This card is the nostalgia card. As we come into this brand new year,I find myself sitting back and remembering those good old days. Going all the way back to when things were easiest—childhood, and thinking all about the friends I had then, and how carefree every day was. Being little, I didn’t have to know about money, or bills. I only had to show up and food was magically there, clothes magically washed, and a bed ready for me to sleep in. If I had any worries at all, it was about who to sit next to at lunch, or which playground equipment to play on at recess. It would be easy to let my mind stay here, but it cannot.

Walking in my mind up my timeline I see stupid mistakes that I wish I could prevent. I see me doing mean things to my sisters and disrespecting my mom. I see a teenager totally unsure of herself so she lashes out at others. I’d like to skip these parts, but I cannot.

Walking closer to the present now, I see joy, I see little boys, I see sunny days and baseball games. I see high school graduations and awards, and I feel pride and so much tinged with regret. Did I do enough? Did I teach these boys all they need to succeed on their own? Are they going to be ok— because I think I might have messed up a few times in the heat of the moment; was I a good enough mom?? And I want to keep rewinding and checking those moments as if I’m a referee for the NFL, critiquing every misstep, noticing every flaw, but I need to move on. I cannot stay here either...

In the present now, I look at this card. It’s nostalgia, it’s memories and it’s important to keep that with you, it’s important to LEARN from all of those experiences. It’s important to make mistakes, to try new things and FAIL as much as you SUCCEED. It’s important to give yourself the GRACE of knowing you did what you could at the time...and love yourself for the flaws you saw.

This card can be a trap. We all reflect back, and that’s healthy. It helps us measure our own personal growth. It becomes a trap when you can’t move on—think Peter Pan. We all know someone that’s stuck, and while they are fun for a while, watching them shirk all responsibility over and over is wearing, and difficult to be around. It becomes a trap when we linger in memories and fail to allow children to grow up and be responsible for themselves, or we continue to keep them closely tied to home forgetting they have wings that need to stretch and fly. It becomes a trap when it’s weaponized especially if using the ‘what if’s’ as ammunition, and the ‘should haves’ as knives that cut deeply. You should never judge your old self by new standards. Taking things out of context and using it to degrade your self worth...thats using the past as a weapon, and it’s a terrible thing.

This card when it comes up could mean that a trip down memory lane is just what you need, often it’s flanked by positive cards like the sun or maybe the moon. When this card comes up with swords on either side, or death or devil or even the are battling your past, you are using it to hurt yourself or others, and you need to stop and allow those wounds you created to heal.

There are many cards in tarot that are dealt to remind you to keep yourself in check, to find balance, and to make friends with your old work towards being whole. This card is one of them.

As we all step right into this new decade, it’s time to reflect on our journey and bring forward with us an appreciation of all we’ve accomplished as well as all of the experience we’ve picked up along the way. Be proud of wins AND losses, because you learned something about yourself in either instance. Make your future goals with the thoughts of how you will celebrate reaching them. SEE yourself reaching these goals, as detailed as possible, and then put in the work. When the 6 of cups comes up again, you’ll see how everything falls right in line with where you are and how everything has happened for a reason.

Good luck my friends! May 2020 bless you with the joy of reaching your goals and celebrating all that you are.


Message me if you are interested in your own card reading.

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