Today my guide has me writing about the knight of swords. This is easy for me to understand because I am often finding myself in the shoes of this knight.
Let’s take a look at what Anna K has drawn. We see here a knight with what we can make out to be a warrior face. You can hear his yell as he heads into battle. All around him the colors are dark and angry. There are buildings burning in the distance and he is poised for the fight. It is almost as if we’ve caught him just as he’s about to rush in. The energy of this card is palpable. You can feel the anger, the wrath, the fury and his desire to end his enemy. All that’s left is wondering what brought him here.
We have all had to armor up and head into battle. Every single one of us has faced this in our lives. Conflict is inevitable no matter how nice you are. For example, if you are a mother, you know where it goes if someone messes with your child. This knight is tame compared to how you will feel and how you will handle it.
The choice is yours however, how often do you allow this part of you to surface? What is the last straw for you, and where is the line that you are drawing? If you are quick to anger, you know this card well. You are ready to fight any time, any place, and any one. Sometimes you’re just waiting for a reason to pop off. Road rage is something many of us struggle with. Perhaps for you, it’s more fighting people on the Internet that you’ve never met simply because they have a different opinion than you and you have this need to be right, to argue and debate (or fight with words). Either way, we’ve become a country full of bubbling rage.
Recently I was faced with a decision to fight or let it go. I might have have fallen for the old trick, taken the bait, and fought a battle that neither of us would have won. Fighting for what you believe in, fighting for someone you are supporting is one thing, but not every single situation requires you to go to this extreme. It took a moment of sitting with myself and understanding that there was nothing to be gained with maintaining contact with the situation and to walk away. I say that because to fight, you do have to stay engaged and this entanglement can cost you, more sometimes than you can imagine.
In this instance, I decided walking away was the best decision I could make. I really wanted to fight. I felt that my voice was not being heard, I felt that I was being unfairly judged, and I really wanted to correct all of these things. The warrior in me was over it and ready to go to war. I had all the rage and all the tools I needed to fight back with intent to destroy. However, I knew in the end the situation would not change. I knew that I would not win regardless of the fact that I was on the side of right. I also knew that it didn’t matter if I won or not because I knew in my heart where I stood. I had to be OK with that; that had to be enough this time.
The warrior in this knight is useful. Being able to call upon that kind of power when you need it is an awesome feeling. One time, my child was facing a bully. This bully was an adult, an adult that knew better. She didn’t realize that standing behind this child was a mom that would do anything to protect him. I called upon this warrior part of me to stand in front of the quiet and meek side of me—to take control, and to go to war. I walked into this person‘s office, and from the moment I opened the door I owned the space. My aura filled the room, and it was not kind… it was rage filled. This person had no prayer of surviving my wrath. Fortunately she felt it, or knew it, (or something) because she quickly acquiesced and things were fixed, apologies were made.
I do my best at all times to be kind, and to be generous. That’s how I was raised, and that’s how I raised my own children. I try to find the best parts of the situation. I try to give the benefit of the doubt and believe that there is still good in a person. I try to smile more and frown less. I am quiet, and to some I may seem like I am weak, but don’t let that fool you. It takes more strength sometimes to not react than it does to smite the enemy. Sometimes all it takes is a stony look and silence. The knight lurking just under the surface doesn’t always need to come out all the way. I know you know “the look”.
Being able to choose when to bring out your warrior is a sign of maturity. It is important to measure the reaction and temper it with the gauge of whether or not it is worth your time and effort. This is a skill that we learn over time. We learn what really matters, and we learn what the cost can be. This is why a child will fight over a piece of pizza, or a toy. They have not learned that it’s not always worth it. I do realize there are adults that haven’t learned this as well, but I’m not their mom...they are not my problem (or yours).
We have all experienced bullies and mean girls. (Hopefully none of us have ever been those things.) Bringing out your warrior, you need to make sure that you are not the bully or the mean girl. I firmly believe that if you react in these ways, you use your power to belittle someone else or take from someone else, that karma will find you and you won’t like it. The universe will always repair the balance, don’t let it be on you. Stay in your lane and this won’t be a worry you’ll need to have.
I am grateful for this card when it comes up. It means that I am fully armored, I am fully protected, I am prepared, and I am ready to fight until I get the results that I need. Notice the way I said the results I need and not necessarily what I want. Sometimes this can be different. This card isn’t one to ever be taken lightly when it is shown to you in a spread or given to you in a card draw. It means that you need to buckle up and be ready because hard times are coming, times that you must fight to get through.
You can approach this with the confidence of knowing it is not forever because nothing ever lasts that long. The battle will end. You can believe that you are fully equipped and ready to engage. You know that you can discern for yourself how far you need to go, and take it there understanding that the victory will be yours in some form or another. This will not be handed to you. You will need to fight and it will cost you some, but there will always be a lesson that you can take away, even if you don’t take away the prize. 
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